Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm a Standout in Life

Stand out

How am I being standout in life? Actually...I have no idea actually...but I know there's few things that makes me rather...unique...

1st : I'm a sucker for computer things. Place a girl and a computer together, I choose computer anytime of the day~

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="Meet my girlfriend, Ruby!"]My laptop again...[/caption]

2nd : I tend to forget things easily(except computer related things) if I do not expose to the thing over a small period of time. Tell me your name, and I will forget it the next minute. Tell me your english name, at least I won't be forgetting it the next 10 minutes.

3rd : I like sweet things, but I hate cakes. Sweets, ice cream, slurpee, I love them all. Just don't give me cakes. Eating them make me want to vomit. That's why in my birthday, I ordered pizza rather than cake.

4th : I don't like most of the sports, but I like bows and katanas. Too bad there's no kendo club or archery club in my school.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Sayonara, sucker!"]katana[/caption]

5th : I like challenges, computer related things of course. Like the assignment that I have to pass up last week, even though my friend kept saying that I have to start doing them early and 1 week isn't enough. In the end I proved it to him, I can get it done in a week. Though I have to drink 2 cups of coffee a day to keep me awake.

I guess that's how I am standout/unique in life...


  1. wa.. u call tat things ruby ==

  2. cannot meh~ you also call your guitar "husband" lo~
