Monday, October 5, 2009

What's inside your keyboard...

Yesterday, on impulse, I decided to wash my cheap'o keyboard of 3 years since I saw some dirt inside. What I saw is the "tip of the iceberg"...

Operation remove buttons commence!

Operation complete

Not too bad....not that much dirt...

Eww.....WTH is that? Hair + ???

I think the white kinda thing is a oil paste for the wider buttons...

Don't you just want to open your keyboard now?


  1. hey....i dunno i use the correct way or not la...but last time i open my keyboard la..i jsut "pick" it out without using any equipment or tools....
    then that button came out, but cannot went in liao...T.T
    n wat is OIL PASTE???

  2. well...I unscrew the whole board and push them out from behind 1 by 1 though, since it's like impossible to pluck them out from the outside.

    the oil paste is a lubricator, so that when you push the spacebar, enter, etc.. buttons, it feels more comfortable!
    .-= Ray´s last blog ..What’s inside your keyboard… =-.

  3. ohh....
    so sad....
    like that one keyboard spoil liao....if it was those FUNCTION button i dun care....but its the left arrow....stupid la me...

    yr keyboard consider clean leh....last time i clean my one got cockroach wings.....i think they ecdysis inside

  4. Haha! Bad luck la you~

    eww....cockroach wings! how the hell they get inside you keyboard? your keyboard very big?

  5. fried chicken skin?
    mine 1 din take out button lo
    juz lap nia.. got insect dead de body ==

  6. walao! got insect live inside your keyboard! that is so disgusting!
