Monday, July 6, 2009

BSOD....and along came Windows 7

I never used Windows Vista. Except in university of course. All my machines never even heard of this Vista thing.

Because of all the horrendous review I've heard of it.

But my main computer keep having this BSOD(Blue Screen Of Death) thing that makes me cannot do anything. And I couldn't find the solution with my good friend, Google.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="BSOD. The Bane of all Windows."]BSOD[/caption]

So I decided to reformat my machine. But I kinda bored of Windows XP since it doesn't have DirectX10. I wanted to install Ubuntu but I want to play games. So I install the Windows 7 RC.

Installation is quick. Less than 30 minutes and I can login to the desktop and begin downloading stuff.

So far so good. RAM usage is below 600MB when there's nothing in my desktop.

But I still prefer Ubuntu though, since it virus-free, anyware-free. Too bad I'm a gamer. A hardcore gamer.

Let's just hope there will be no BSOD from now on.


  1. Wait for few months more la,October 23th Win7 is coming to our shores.Hopefully,they will fix the crash.
    .-= SkyChin´s last blog ..Life Update =-.

  2. Ya, let's hope there will be no virus for windows ;)
