Wednesday, September 23, 2009

PC Games sucks! And it's because of us...

I have been very very busy all this week...reading The War of The Spider Queen Book 4 and writing articles. The The War of The Spider Queen series are quite interesting in the sense that each 1 keep backstabbing each other and it's the culture of the drow.

Warning : Many Many words!

Anyway, back to the topic. Why I say they sucks? Because it's the truth. No game developer gonna make a PC-exclusive title anymore, except MMO developers. Piracy is rampant. You make a good game on PC, and it's bound to get pirated in a small amount of time. Cheap game, DRM-free game, any game. Those anti-DRM activist are just losers, saying that removing DRM will lessen the piracy rate, where it just get pirated even more and faster.

As a result of this, more and more game developers just rather create their games for console, since the piracy problem is lesser on console. And the result is? No more Marvel Alliance 2, no Fable 2. Even if it's gonna release on PC and console, you have to wait a long long time to get your hands on the PC version. People would rather use their money to buy good pair of shoes, jeans or car, but too cheap to buy original games.

When you buy original game, it's not that you are rich, it's that you acknowledge the effort of the developers to make such a good game. Sometimes when I hear people saying that people who buy original game are rich people, and poor people should pirate the game, I smack my own head on such a childish statement. I know a friend of mine(not rich, by the way, and not poor either) who saves his money to buy original games, checking shops to see which 1 is the cheapest. I salute you! Just because he own PS3 doesn't mean he's rich. You can sacrifice some other part to buy the game, like eat less, or buy less clothes.

You don't have to play every game out there, just buy those you think you can enjoy the best, or the ones you can make the most out of it, like Team Fortress 2, where there's are still many players despite being released few years ago. Moreover, buying the original games with your hard-earned money, I bet you gonna play it over and over again, since you earned it after restraining yourself from buying other stuff.

If you interested in reading more about piracy, head over here. It explain the impact of piracy in 10 pages of words. That 10 pages make me see what I'm doing is killing my favorite hobby, gaming.

I think this is my time to say goodbye to the piracy. Though I hardly expect those who read this gonna turn away from piracy anyway, as not much can be expected from HUMAN.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My semester break...just give me a break!

Last week is my semester break...but I don't feel like it's a break at all. Tuesday and Thursday have to go to Jit Ren's house for assignment meeting, Saturday is Malaysian Study final exam(Please let me pass!).

What has become of holiday!@&% Shouldn't holiday is a damn time for us to rest? Do what we want to do? I just want to play some games and write some articles! ARGH!!

By the way, now I can use my computer expertise to help me earn some $$. My big sis's friend is opening a company and she need some people to help write some articles! Seems like my last tech blog impressed her~ MUAHAHAH~

Thought I can get the article done in the break, since I thought I can get 1 article done every day. Now I know what is writer's block(curse you!@^&), cause there's a few days my mind is totally blank and I can't think of what to write! Not to mention coming back from Jit Ren's house after 6 hours++ to do those accursed assignment is very tiring, both mentally and physically. I just fall asleep after I came home from his house.

I kinda promise myself to concentrate and read Malaysian Study(looks more like History to me) on Friday. But just looking at it, I recalled the secondary school days, where I don't give a crap about history. And so...I went to play Guild Wars and only study 3 hours before the exam. And I kinda writing bulls*** on the exam.

Now I still got 2 more articles to write. And then I'm gonna do the ICP and OOEP assignment. What a life! Not to mention I still have to finish Warhammer 40k novel so I can quickly start reading the Forgotten Realms my FBIL(Future Brother-in-Law) lent to me.

Anyway, here's a random picture. My mom got it from the KL Tower. Never thought they gonna sell something like that. And I bet it's gonna be a totally expensive.

I guess I will just bottle up frustration and get it over with...

Back to assignment.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Microsoft is thrashing Linux

I guess Microsoft is kinda scared of Linux taking it's market share, so they are teaching BestBuy's employee how to persuade customer to choose Windows over Linux. This is the mirror of the original post. Picture is sourced from ars technica. I only display a few "interesting" pictures.

If Microsoft have never used Linux before, I guess it is forgiven. There is a choice where you can opt to update or not, and optional upgrade has it's own tabs.

Just now it was saying too many updates, now it states there maybe no update. Kinda hypocrite, isn't it? Anyway, Linux is indeed safer than Windows. There is no anti-virus for Linux, but you have TONS of choice of anti-virus for Windows, never knowing which 1 is the best.

Anyway, considering that most people doesn't really know about Linux, telling them this or that about Windows is better than Linux, they are going to accept it. Those who are tech-savvy can keep preaching how Linux is better, but for those who aren't tech-savvy, it's their money after all, they can buy whatever they want.

Back to Guild Wars.