Sunday, August 9, 2009

G.I.Joe : The Rise of the Cobra short review

Firstly, I not a G.I.Joe fan, other than knowing it's a line of toys from Hasbro.

Second, thank god the cinema have advertisement for twenty minutes, if not I will surely missed the 1st 20 minutes of the movie. We had to crawl over the line divider since the ticket collector went to god knows where. Our ticket is still fully intact after the movie ends.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320" caption="The coolest guy in the movie : Snake Eyes!"]Snake Eyes[/caption]

G.I.Joe, same as Transformers, is a line of toys made by Hasbro. And I must's A DAMN GOOD MOVIE!!!! If you like the Transformers, I bet you will like this film too.

The CGIs are cool, the weapon are cool and the characters are cool too! There are random funny jokes too. And seeing Snake Eyes dishing out with Storm Shadow. Whoa! Reminds me of Darth Maul(Star Wars 1) fighting with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. By the way, the actor(Ray Park) who portrayed Snake Eyes is also the actor of Darth Maul! I just love the sword fighting!

Some might complain the CGI looks fake on eye, but I can't tell the difference, or maybe I just don't care. It looks good enough for me. The character development are quite good too, by the way of showing flashback. That brings you up to speed to knowing the character if you're not a G.I.Joe fan.

IMO, this movie deserves a 4.5/5. I wished it is longer though, like Transformers 2~

1 comment:

  1. bo lui go watch movie no call me la...
